When we talk about “community” we talk a lot about sharing. Common terms like ‘collective memories’, ‘space sharing and ‘social conventions’ are all about reaching consensus. In Wanchai, where its number of commuter is much larger than its number of usual residents, is there another way to look for its common ground?
Using sound as a medium, you are invited to attend an interview. Your answers will be recorded, and the questions you posted will link up with the next interviewee. These chained questions and answers will become a platform. Each interviewee will also suggest a song as a gesture of courtesy for the next one. All these will add up to create a unique Wanchai soundscape.
Lawrence had carried out the ‘chain of dialogues’ on the streets in Wanchai in October to November of 2021. There was a gathering in the end. All interviewees were invited to meet at a physical space to create a collective experience with sound and music, and opening up a continuous dialogue.
Street Interviews
Date: 6.10.2021 (Wed)
7.10.2021 (Thu)
29.10.2021 (Fri)
2.11.2021 (Tue)
10.11.2021 (Wed)
23.11.2021 (Tue)
Date: 18.12.2021 (Sat)
Time: 5pm & 7pm (2 sessions)
Venue: Garden, Haw Par Music
Running time of programme is approximately 60 minutes
Conducted in Cantonese
All activities are free of charge